Saturday, September 30, 2017

2.5 years later

The last time I sat down and wrote a blog post (aside from last week) was 2 1/2 years ago. wowzah! So many things have happened in those 2.5 years. We breezed through our first & second year of marriage, my best friend moved away (and got married), Eric & I moved back to Salem. 

& then the biggest and the best thing happened...

  meet miss Eva Alexandria.
we HAD to try her Halloween costume early. she is so.stinkin.cute.

The love and fulfillment that Eva brings to our life cannot be put into words. She just turned 8 months old. 8 MONTHS. How did that happen? She is the best thing we ever did.

I'm still finding the balance of baby + pre-baby lifestyle but more on that later.


"though she be but little, she is fierce"- Shakespeare

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The return.

Hello blog world, it is me. (again). I am going to attempt to blog again. It feels therapeutic and I feel like it is the right time in my life to give it a go again.

One of the reasons that I want to blog is because I always feel guarded about things that I share on Facebook. Like everyone else, my personal Facebook is filled with extended family, co-workers, and various acquaintances. (and of course my close friends). In a perfect world, I would just take the advice to delete people that I don't want 'to be friends with' and feel free to post whatever I want. But life is complicated and it isn't that I remain guarded.

 Blogging is an avenue for me to be able to fully and truly express myself. I control who I share this blog with. Yes, I know that this is the internet and anyone could find this if they looked hard enough- but what are the odds that an old co-worker that I haven't seen in two years or that distant cousin in Washington stumbling across my corner of the internet? (and if they do, kudos to you! and welcome to my blog!)

so here is to the adventures, the ups, the downs, and everything inbetween.


"Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire." -St.Catherine of Siena